Italia Ebraica draws from Shulamit’s early childhood religious experience and her study of the magnificent and rare Jewish Italian Liturgy. The result is a powerful interpretation of traditional Jewish prayers in Hebrew, with melodies that developed over two thousand years of Jewish life in Italy, the oldest Diaspora in the Western world.
Shulamit recorded Italia Ebraica in collaboration with acclaimed Ethiopian-born Israeli saxophonist Abate Berihun, and Sicilian composer and ethnomusicologist Orazio Corsaro The album,released by Amiata Records, offers a unique version of Jewish Italian Liturgy (originally sung without instrumental accompaniment) combining elements of Jazz, Folk and Classical.
"Shulamit's interpretation is an example of style – a sort of internal, light whisper, which extends with balance, kindness, and well-measured energy, bringing the listener to a world within, a deep and moving adventure which caresses the heart.”
(Maurizio G. de Bonis, Shalom, Rome, 2002)
"Shulamit, thanks to her sweet, caressing intonation, gives these melodies a unique character. The doleful and nostalgic tone of these songs is masterly rendered by this gifted singer...”
(Professor Enrico Fubini, Musicology Department University of Turin)
Released by Amiata Records

Available on AMAZON
1. ELOKIM ELI ATA - God, you are my Lord
3. ADIR LO YANUM - The great Lord will not sleep
4. GIA’ DI MIE PRECI IL GRIDO - I rose my voice to my Lord (Psalms 3)
5. YEI’DUN YAGIDUN - They will testify and they will say
7. AL MISHKAVI BALEILOT - Upon my bed at night
8. SHEMA’ ISRAEL - Hear O Israel
9. YEHI SHALOM BECHELEINU - Let peace be on our Community
10. VESHAMERU BENEI ISRAEL - And the Children of Israel observed the Sabbath
11. CHI SAPEVA, CHI INTENDEVA - Who knows, who understands
12. OSE SHALOM - He who makes peace